
Halley Weaver Award Winners




38th.           Halley Weaver


39th.           Bill Redman


40th.           Bob Guthrie


41st.            Harold Dean


42nd.           Bill Brown


43rd.           Melinda Krizan


44th.           Steve Warner


45th.           Conn Dandareau


46th.           Rick Gerich


47th.           Mike Redman


48th.           Martin Mazzei


49th.            Dick Windbigler


50th.           Bruce  Weirich


51st.            Bruce Sliney


52nd.           Randy Jacobs


53rd.           Becky Cashell


54th.            Kristi Weisenstein


55th.            Mike McClintock


Special Recognition Awards

The JC Gorman Tournament would not have been so successful for these many years without the dedication and service of these people.  Thank You! 



Berkowitz, Gary                               Long time JC Gorman Wrestling Official

Brown, Bill                                        Long time Coach, JC Gorman Supporter and Volunteer

Castle, Doug                                     Long time JC Gorman Tournament Director and Volunteer

Castle, Larry                                      Long time JC Gorman Wrestling Official

Cates, John                                       Long time JC Gorman Wrestling Official

Confalone, Nick                                St. Peters and Mansfield Senior Head Wrestling Coach

Ebersall, Roger                                 Shelby Head Wrestling Coach

Ellis, Tom                                           Madison Head Wrestling Coach, JC Gorman Volunteer

Gerberick, Jeff                                  Lexington Head Wrestling Coach, JC Gorman Volunteer

Guthrie Bob                                      Long time JC Gorman Supporter and Volunteer

Lehman, Jack                                    Long time JC Gorman Supporter and Volunteer 

Mazzei, Martin                                 Long time Coach, JC Gorman Supporter and Volunteer

Redman, Bill                                     Long time JC Gorman Supporter and Volunteer

Schwall, Jeff                                      Mansfield Senior and Ontario Head Wrestling Coach, JC Gorman Tournament Director

Skelton, Mike                                    Northmor Head Wrestling Coach

Speelman, Jim                                  Madison Head Wrestling Coach

Spencer, Jon                                      Sports Reporter for Mansfield News Journal and Supporter of JC Gorman 

Ward, Al                                             Long time JC Gorman Wrestling Official and Supporter

Weaver, Halley                                  Long time JC Gorman Supporter and Volunteer

Wegesin, Jim                                     Galion Head Wrestling Coach



Castle, Don                                        St. Peters Head Wrestling Coach

Dean, Harold                                     Long time JC Gorman Supporter and Volunteer

Jacocks, Clarence                             Mansfield Sr. Head Wrestling Coach

Kirby, Mark                                        Shelby, Head Wrestling Coach

M T Business Technologies             Long time JC Gorman Sponsor



Gilmore, Tim                                     Galion, Willard Head Wrestling Coach, Long time JC Gorman Wrestling Offical

Grubbs, Jim                                       Long time JC Gorman Tournament Director and Volunteer

Jones, Scott                                       Long time JC Gorman Supporter and Volunteer

Leskovich, John                                Lexington Head Wrestling Coach

Larry Oyster                                      Clear Fork Head Wrestling Coach



Dollaway, C.B.                                   Northmor Championship Wrestler   

Ohl, Josh                                            Ontario Championship Wrestler

Sargent, Gerald                                Long time JC Gorman Wrestling Official

Voggenthaler, Al                               Crestline, Fremont Ross Head Wrestling Coach




Ferguson, Barry                                Ashland Head Wrestling Coach

Flanegan, Jeanne                             Long time Supporter of Her Husband's Tournament

McCreary, Mike                                Marion Harding Head Wrestling Coach

Rastetter, Brent                                Lexington Head Wrestling Coach

Wolff, Tom                                         Ontario Head Wrestling Coach



Weirich, Bruce                                   Long time JC Gorman Tournament Director and Volunteer

Weisenstein, Gary                            Ashland Head Wrestling Coach

Windbigler, Dick                               Mansfield Sr. Athletic Director and JC Gorman Supporter

Jones Potato Chips                           Long time JC Gorman Sponsor